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GridRio is an initiative to create a research oriented computational grid across the state of Rio de Janeiro. The objectives include providing researchers with a realistic and practical environment (testbed) for distributed computing research and offering system administrators practical experience in managing and operated distributed computing resources. GridRio, operational since November 2002, currently employs the Globus Toolkit middleware across participating sites. Individual sites are currently working on integrating Globus with locally installed resource management software, e.g. the Sun ONE Grid Engine, openPBS etc.


The Globus Toolkit based GridRio Computational Grid is operational and available to researchers for grid related research work. Information on how to gain access to grid resources will appear here soon. We are also accepting requests for new sites to join GridRio, just send us an email.

A new Instruction Guide in portuguese (the current version is 2.4) is available for installing and configuring the Globus 2.4 software. [Although earlier versions of Globus are no longer available from the Globus Web site, our portuguese Globus version specific Installation guides (in portuguese) can still be obtained on request.] A basic Getting Started User Guide (also in portuguese) is available for GridRio users. Specific details should be obtained your local site adminstrator. Below is a list of sites which have so far offered to take part in this initiative.

Want to the know which GridRio resources are currently online?
You can check out, in real-time, the status of GridRio. Watch this space!

  Institution Infrastructure Location Site Administrators
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). The Globus Toolkit 2.4; MPICH-G2 v1.2.5; MPI-LAM 7.0; GridRio Certification Authority; GridRio Information Index Server;
Ten Red Hat Linux (7.3) PCs (8x AMD Athlon 1.3GHz and 2x PIII 800Mhz) interconnected via a Fast-Ethernet switch.
(Will be upgraded to 40 processors in 2003.)
Campus de Praia Vermelha, Niterói, RJ Prof. Vinod Rebello and Jacques Alves da Silva
Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Unversidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). The Globus Toolkit 2.2; MPICH-G2 v1.2.5; 32 Linux PCs (Intel Pentium IV 1.7GHz) Gavea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Prof. Noemi Rodriguez and Cristina Ururahy da F. Cerqueira
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físcas (CBPF). The Globus Toolkit 2.4, MPICH-G2 v1.2.5; Grid do CBPF: 39 processors (AMD Athlon XP 1800+), Gigabit Ethernet Urca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Dr. Marcelo Portes de Albuquerque and Deyse Peixoto Ribeiro
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (LNCC). Undergoing testing.
Number of PCs and Sun Workstations to be confirmed
Petrópolis, RJ  
COPPE-Sistemas, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)) 4 workstations (to be confirmed) Ilha de Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ  


GridRio is currently supports the following research projects. All GridRio users must be a member of at least one of these projects.

  Name Description Coordinator Status
ALua A dual programming model for developing parallel and distributed applications. Noemi Rodriguez [Email] and Cristina Ururahy [Email] Active
BOSSA Distributed branch-and-bound algorithm with load balancing and fault tolerance capabilities for grid environments. The algorithm has already been compared with an existing sequential branch-and-bound algorithm for the Steiner Problem in graphs. Excellent speed ups are obtained using the GridRio Computational Grid (with MPICH-G2), allowing the resolution of a number of formerly open instances from the SteinLib library in reasonable times. Lucia Drummond (IC-UFF) [Email] Active
EasyGrid A framework for automatic grid enabling of (legacy) MPI applications. Vinod Rebello (IC-UFF) [Email] Active
Samba-Grid A framework to support the development of parallel applications with an emphasis on the identification of appropriate load-balancing strategies. Alexandre Plastino (IC-UFF) [Email] and Simone Martins (IC-UFF) [Email] Active
SSolar A high performance computing system for the Brazilian Centre for Physics Research (CBPF) Dr. Marcio Portes de Albuquerque (CBPF) [Email] Active


On behalf of all of the site administrators, I would like ask authors whose research has benefited from using GridRio, to appropriately acknowledge this fact in their publications. Please send me the reference so I can add it the list below. Thanks.

  Project Reference

This GridRio Initiative is partially funded by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).

Apoio CNPq, Lei 8.248/91 e 10.176/01 - LEI DE INFORMÁTICA - CTINFO.